Delaware Scores A Hat Trick!

by Mike Basile

The Delaware Thunder Professional Hockey Club has signed three key players. Ramazan Aldamzharov (Forward), Nikita Zhigalov (Defenseman), and Kirill Malandin (Forward) to the 2022-2023 roster.

Aldamzharov is a smart, explosive player who can create opportunities at both ends of the ice. He is known for his great skating and hockey IQ. He has spent the last eleven years playing in the top professional leagues in Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

Zhigalov is a great two-way defenseman with a plethora of offensive talent. Not only does he like to shoot the puck and chip in offensively, he is also not afraid to throw his body around and win board battles. Zhigalov played in the top league in Ukraine last season and will bring his talent to Delaware.

Malandin is a gifted playmaker who brings speed, skill, and strength to the Delaware lineup. Malandin has also played in the top league in Ukraine and will now be an integral part of the Thunder's forward group.

Coach Lou Santini is excited to get these players on the ice and stated, "We are getting three highly skilled players who are very versatile, and will fit into our style of play very nicely." Get your season tickets today, and come see these three play!