Player Spotlight: Alexis Quane-Arsenault

by Mike Basile

     The Delaware Thunder Professional Hockey Club announces the signing of Alexis Quane-Arsenault of Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC, CAN. Arsenault adds speed and scoring to the the Thunder blue line. Arsenault played junior hockey in the NOJHL,  MJAHL, and the QJHL. He played pro hockey overseas in Sweden, and now is with the Delaware Thunder. Arsenault scored his first goal with the Thunder against the Carolina Thunderbirds Sunday, January 16th, 2022. CEO/President Charles F. Pens Sr. stated, "Alexis is a smart, skilled, puck moving defenseman who brings some offense from the back side for us, he will help bring a different look to our defense." Alexis Quane-Arsenault is excited to be here, and said, "I am very happy to be here, it is a new challenge for me and I am excited for the rest of this season!" The Delaware Thunder see Binghamton for a home and home this weekend! Saturday, January 29th is at the Thunderdome, tickets available at